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LDSG Light of RGB

Gear - R010

$19.99 USD

Light up the darkness with this 8.5" tall LDSG Light of RGB. Change the color to match your battlestation... or your mood... doesn't matter. You be you. Works great as desk art, a night light, or a frisbee. Actually, it has pretty much unlimited uses.

Remote controlled and powered by either the included micro-USB cable or (3) AA batteries. If you try really hard, it can even be powered by sheer will. (Not really, but send a video to us if you can do that. We promise not to tell the FBI).

- Engraved Acrylic Panel (will arrive with protective tape over the unengraved portions, please carefully and slowly remove. Relish every moment for it is truly satisfying.)
- LED Base (in your choice of either black or white)
- Micro USB Cable (for powering the base, should not be used to pistol whip anyone)
- 2 Zeiss Lens Cleaning Wipes (for when you inevitably get your nasty cheeto fingers on it)

Not Included:
- AA Batteries
- Cure for COVID-19

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