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ARK: Ragnarok

Server Address

Password: honor

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ARK: Ragnarok

Server is running

Platform: PC

Version: Latest

Play ARK with your friends in LDSGamers!

The goal of our ARK servers is to provide a welcoming, casual-friendly ARK experience. We've tuned them with various quality of life settings and mods. Unlike official servers, you can easily take a break without losing your things.

We recommend pre-downloading the mods before joining the server, otherwise you may need to make several join attempts before they will download fully. You can do so by subscribing to them on the Steam Workshop here.

List of server mods and settings can be found here.


  1. Do not use profanity
  2. Do not use hacks
  3. Do not troll
  4. Do not grief
  5. Become a dino master
  6. Follow the LDSG Code of Conduct

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