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How to Overcome Trials and Fulfill Your Destiny

Destiny's Trials of Osiris is a very competitive PVP mode with great rewards; if you can overcome it. Having gone flawless over 50 times I have learned a lot about what to do, and what NOT to do. Here is a quick guide from what I've learned that can help you succeed in the TRIALS.

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My Thoughts on The Division Beta

The Division is a bit of an odd beast for me. I wasn't sure quite what it was. Some people had talked about how it was similar to Destiny, but I wasn't sure what parts of it. It at first seemed like a MMO, but that didn't seem quite right either. I got a chance to plat the beta, so here are my thoughts playing it from the perspective of someone who really didn't do a lot of background research on it.

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Becoming a Destiny Beast

It's more than just looking the part. To be a true Destiny beast there are a few things you must know how to do, and do them well. Headshots, Playing Corners, Playing the Map, Playing the Players, Playing the Game

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A Creative Look Into The World of Neverwinter

Dungeon crawling at its finest! Big monsters, bigger weapons, even bigger spells and explosions. There is something really satisfying about putting down that bloated Drider with an overhead chop. It’s fun and it’s called Neverwinter.

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