The Most Successful Failure
Can bad games ever be good?
Can bad games ever be good?
While it might have been fun to interrogate the latest issue of Nintendo Power to navigate through The Legend of Zelda, or role-play as Arthur Morgan with a paper map, the digital mini-map and bigi-map are the current owners of the industry.
Buckle up, we're about to discover the word that has annoyed gamers since the dawn of time: opinions.
Because you're human, you're probably way into the whole "Japanese Role-playing Game" thing, and KaiMcDragonfist is no exception to this totally real inevitability. Let's take a look at the English release of Seiken Densetsu 3 and what makes it so special.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons is out! Let's take a look into the mind of a newcomer to the series, KaiMcDragonfist.
The best thing since Fallout 76.